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KARTABA SMS services

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In order to help the kartabians to get in contact more and more with each others all over the world, we added an SMS service provider for mobile short messaging covering more than 40 countries, easy to use, presented under 2 forms:

1- 2 Free SMS per day per user (mobile number is required for registration)

2- Prepaid SMS, including a bulk SMS sending option with unlimited number of SMS costing 7.5 cents per message.

You can get your prepaid SMS credits by sending E-mail to "pierre@kartaba.org " including your details and telephone number or by Calling "00961 3 870336"


     Further more a special SMS services is offered by the Charity Association of kartaba, giving you the ability of sending any message to all resident and non resident kartabians, (i.e. Celebrations, funerals, announces, etc...) reaching the handsets mobiles of about 1000 kartabians within seconds.

ABK SMS services

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If you wish to be added or removed from the above list or for any further information please E-mail to "pierre@kartaba.org" or call "00961 3 870336"





page created and designed by Pierre Antoun Khoury


00961 3 870336

Copyright © 2002 www.kartaba.org
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